‘socks’ detailed the excitement of a new relationship, while ‘supermarket’ details the ending of one. On ‘supermarket’, we hear a soft and shimmering soundscape fronted by heart-wrenching vocals, soon to be amplified by a dark yet catchy and infectious beat that drives the song forward. On her new release, SOFY explains: “‘supermarket’ is probably my favourite song on this project, there’s something really special about it for me. It’s about that sick to your stomach, spinning out of control, full-body feeling you get when you realise the door of a relationship is closed for good, and how someone’s new beginnings mark something else’s ending.

The song’s journey takes us past a gentle introduction, slowly evolving into a vivacious and almost stubborn sounding high, before descending into its outro which abruptly ends the song, nearly as abrupt as some relationships end. She adds, “It sounds proper cliche but I really feel like the journey of the track fully encompasses all the spectrum of emotions that you feel when something ends. Sadness to desperation to frustration and then finally to closure.”

Before we can close our next chapter, we will have to listen to ‘supermarket’ once again, just to be sure, and simply because its sound is an addictive one. With every listen, there’s a new layer to ‘supermarket’, and a new side to SOFY, we discover, making it a journey we wish would never end.

With the natural synergy between SOFY and Chess Club Records, on which ‘supermarket’ was released, the close of 2023 is set to be a very exciting time, not only for SOFY but for the alt-pop soundscape.

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