We spoke with Backwoods Creek about “Alright” and more!

Hi! What inspired Backwoods Creek to create ‘Alright,’ and how does it reflect the band’s ethos?

A: The band was going through a bit of a tough time with a guitarist leaving during the whole lockdown situation. We started jamming on a riff Yannick had been playing about with, and very quickly Jamie found the melody of the chorus (albeit with more words) It definitely lifted our spirits again, and it was one of those songs that was basically finished in that session! It definitely demonstrates the collaborative nature of the band, that is normally built upon creative excitement in the rehearsal room!

Considering ‘Alright’ is designed as a feel-good anthem, what message do you hope listeners take away?

A: It’s definitely a song to get you hyped, boost confidence – almost acting as a mantra! You’ve just gotta believe that whatever happens, “everything will be alright”.

Can you describe the creative process behind crafting the single’s simple, yet impactful chorus?

A: Initially it started out as a two part chorus, something along the lines of “alright, everything will be alright, we’re up all night, we aint going without a fight (?)” – Jamie says he can’t exactly remember! But we’ve always wanted a song that can be sung back at us at gigs the first time people hear it – those are always the songs that we love from the bands we see. After the initial rehearsal we just couldn’t stop singing the first line, and so we decided to keep that and scrap the rest. I guess that’s always a bit of an acid test for our songs – do we find ourselves singing them after they’re written?

Luckily having gigged it numerous times live we can say that it seems to have worked out, so that’s the chorus we ended up putting on the track.

How does ‘Alright’ stand out from your previous releases in terms of its musical style?

A: This is the first song we’ve written that really lends itself to getting the audience involved and singing along. It still features our signature sounds, guitar harmonies and rock styling, but the catchy almost pop nature of the chorus is definitely a departure from the norm for us. We just want to make everyone at the show feel like they were part of it!

How does “Alright” reflect the band’s musical evolution and what does it signify for your future?

A: With the band initially coming from more of a ‘Modern Country’ foundation, we’ve found ourselves slowly adding in more and more of the Rockier influences we grew up with. We definitely still have elements of that Southern/Country Rock style that came from our origins (Jamie’s singing accent definitely helps with that!), but we’re bringing more of a variety into our music as our own tastes change and mature. Though the song puts a lot more emphasis on the Rock influences, it still has some slide guitar and twang to keep that southern flavour alive.

In what ways do you hope “Alright” will impact your fans and listeners during tough times?

A: Alright’s really one of those tunes that you put on when you’re ready to try and move on from those tough times. It’s a song that brings a sense of hope and even levity that hopefully gives our listeners the tools to get back on track with the lives they want to live. Music is a powerful thing, and we’re just grateful to be a part of those journeys with our fans.

Can you describe the moment when Backwoods Creek realized “Alright” was the anthem you wanted to release?

A: It was definitely one of those ones that immediately went on the ‘going to be a single’ pile. From day 1 we wanted to play it live, and the way people were singing it back to us at those first few gigs I guess we didn’t really have a choice!

What elements of “Alright” do you think make it stand out in the UK rock scene?

A: Other than the southern edge we bring, it’d have to be the catchy, easy to learn, singable nature of the chorus. Yes it’s got the driving rhythm section, epic solos and hard hitting riffs (anyone out there love old school harmony guitars?), but that chorus is really the stand-out element!

How does the band plan to promote “Alright” to ensure it reaches a wide audience?

A: We’ve already had radioplay and a number of reviews come about so far praising the song. We’ve also teamed up with our friends over at Weyside Productions and woodworking youtuber Matt Estlea to put together probably our most intricate music video yet! On top of that we’re suckers for all the standard reels and posts over on social media, and we’ve shot some really funny content that we’ll be putting out regularly over the coming weeks!

Of course playing live is a staple in our plans for reaching a wider audience, and Alright seems to be the songs at the gigs and festivals that gets people listening!

On top of that, we of course hope the loyal followers of Broken Color come over and check us out as well – we promise we’re not that bad!

What message would Backwoods Creek like to give fans who find solace in “Alright” during challenging moments?

A: Tough times are inevitable, and it’s easy to get lost in the moment – but as with all things, it will pass. Alright sends that message across loud and clear, so please, if you need to, just remember that everything will be alright.

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